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Temasek is a global investment company headquartered in Singapore. Temasek supports philanthropic programmes that focus on building people, building communities, building capabilities and rebuilding lives. Temasek has established more than 23 endowments since its inception, for community, philanthropic and public good causes, as part of its support for the wider communities in Singapore, Asia and beyond. Since 2004, Temasek has been setting aside part of its net returns above its risk-adjusted cost of capital for community contributions.

In 2007, Temasek established Temasek Trust to provide financial oversight and governance of Temasek’s endowment gifts. The Trust oversees the financial management and sustainable disbursements of Temasek’s endowment gifts to our beneficiaries, based on prudent sustainability and sound governance.

Temasek sets aside a share of its returns to re-invest into the community. These funds are organised into endowment pots with specific mandates to support community programmes. The funds are centrally managed by Temasek Trust and co-mingled/co-invested back with Temasek’s investments.
Temasek Trust oversees the financial management and distribution of endowments and gifts from Temasek, which have been earmarked for our non-profit philanthropic organisations. This enables our beneficiaries to focus on what they do best – developing and delivering impactful programmes for their communities. 
Temasek Trust is the trustee of philanthropic endowments gifted by Temasek for a defined set of beneficiaries. Temasek Trust does not directly sponsor any other beneficiaries or give out direct grants to programmes.
If you wish to join us in our journey of giving, kindly get in touch with us. 
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